Next Thursday, January 14, F. Javier Murillo will participate in the IV International Seminar on Research in Education for Social Justice

Next Thursday, January 14, F. Javier Murillo will participate in the IV International Seminar on Research in Education for Social Justice Next Thursday, January 14, F. Javier Murillo will participatein the IV International Seminar on Research in Education for Social Justice​ entitled “Educational policies for social justice in times of crisis. Contributions for the constitutional […]

Vol 19 (1) of the Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education has already been published

Vol 19 (1) of the Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education has already been published The Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Efficiency and Effectiveness in Education (REICE) is a quarterly publication edited by the Autonomous University of Madrid and the Ibero-American Research Network on School Change and Efficacy (RINACE). Its publications deal with […]

Vol. 14, No. 2 of the “Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Inclusiva” is now available

Vol. 14, No. 2 of the “Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Inclusiva” is now available The Journal includes in this issue a thematic section entitled “Responsibility of Higher Education in the Changes of Sexist Cultural Patterns” which recognizes the important role of universities in the protection of Human Rights and the eradication of discrimination and violence. […]

II MUEJS Conference: Art and Social Justice

II MUEJS Conference: Art and Social Justice The II MUEJS Conference will be held between December 15 and 17 through the ZOOM platform and this year will be dedicated to the topic “Art and Social Justice.” The Conference, which has been organized by Liliana Jacott, Ángeles Saura, Tatiana García and Mónica Sánchez Aranegui, all of […]

Dossier of ‘School, Complexity and Social Justice’

The Dossier, whose theme is inspired by the Collaboration Agreement between the International Network of Creative Schools (RIEC / ADEC) and the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice, offers reflections and educational experiences on education for human emancipation and justice Social. The number was published on December 8 and can be accessed through the […]

“The Sustainable Development Goals. Contributions from committed educational research” coordinated by Reyes Hernández

The monograph “The Sustainable Development Goals. Contributions from committed educational research” coordinated by our colleague Reyes Hernández. The monograph entitled “The Sustainable Development Goals. Contributions from committed educational research” and coordinated by our colleague Reyes Hernández is included in volume 24, number 3 (2020) of the journal Profesorado. Revista de Currículum y Formación del Profesorado.  It […]

Elementor #20568

Demospaz organizes the video forum “Human rights and global emergencies” Tomorrow, December 10 at 4:00 p.m., the video-discussion organized by the University Institute of Human Rights, Democracy, Culture of Peace and Non-Violence (DEMOSPAZ) of the Autonomous University of Madrid will take place. The event will present the videos made by Visual Killyagods that will address […]

The UNESCO Chair in Landscape, Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance organizes next 2021 the XIX International Forum “Le Vie dei Mercanti”

The UNESCO Chair on Landscape, Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance organizes next 2021 the XIX International Forum “Le Vie dei Mercanti” The UNESCO Chair on Landscape, Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance and the BENECON Research Center for Cultural Heritage, Ecology and Economy, collaborators of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice, organize the XIX […]

Guillermina Belavi receives the award “Best Thesis UAM 2019: Inclusion and society”

Guillermina Belavi receives the award “Best Thesis UAM 2019: Inclusion and society” Guillermina Belavi, member of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice has received the award “Best UAM Thesis 2019: Inclusion and society” for her thesis entitled “Creating democracy in schools: An ethnographic study on power, community and education” . The person in […]

New patent by Ismael Sanz Arribas

New patent by Ismael Sanz Arribas The invention of Ismael Sanz Arribas, member of the Chair and coordinator of the line of work “Prevention of drowning and accidents in the aquatic environment”, consists of a device for athletes with visual disabilities in aquatic activities. The new invention, which has its application in the sector of […]