Natalia Molina de la Villa coordinates the “Fields: Lab Art of Artistic Production, Quantum Physics and Oriental Tradition” course from January 27 to February 10 at UCM

Natalia Molina de la Villa coordinates the “Fields: Lab Art of Artistic Production, Quantum Physics and Oriental Tradition” course from January 27 to February 10 at UCM Natalia Molina de la Villa, member of the teaching and research team of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice, coordinates the course “Campos. Lab Art of […]

The Activity Report corresponding to 2019 is available

The Activity Report corresponding to 2019 is available The Activity Report 2019 of the Unesco Chair in Education for Social Justice of the Autonomous University of Madrid is now available, which includes the activities carried out during its first year of existence. It can be downloaded here: Activity Report 2019 (in Spanish) 

Seminar on initial teacher training in inclusive education and social justice by Cynthia Duk and Javier Murillo at the Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile.

F. Javier Murillo participated in a seminar on “Initial Teacher Training in Inclusive Education and for Social Justice”, organised by the University of Bio-Bio, Chile The programme Strengthening of the Initial Teaching Training of the University of Bío-Bío (FIDUBB), developed in agreement with the Chilean Ministry of Education, organised the seminar in the Aula Magna […]

Redes por una nueva política educativa organises Round Table: New educational law. Participation mechanisms Network proposal. Public Education, a tool for inclusion

Redes por una nueva política educativa organises on February 7 the round table: “New educational law. Participation mechanisms Network proposal. Public Education, a tool for inclusion ” About two years ago, the campaign “Educational Pact for the Public, Inclusive and Lay School” began on, which collected more than five thousand signatures, in order to […]

21st Research Seminar “Freedom of choice of educational center and school segregation”

The DEMOSPAZ-UAM Institute will hold the 21st Research Seminar “Freedom of choice of school and school segregation” on January 21 The DEMOSPAZ Institute organises, together with the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice, the 21st Research Seminar, where F. Javier Murillo, Chairholder, and Julio Rogero Anaya, primary school teacher and active member of Colectivo […]

Panel discussion on “Education for Social Justice in the context of teacher training” at the Universidad Central de Chile

F. Javier Murillo participated in the discussion on “Education for Social Justice in the context of teacher training” at Universidad Central de Chile F. Javier Murillo, Director of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice, attended as a participant the discussion “Education for Social Justice in the context of teacher training” at the Universidad Central […]

Next issue of the International Journal of Education for Social Justice dedicated to “Education, Democracy and Social Justice: Looks from Latin America”

Next issue of the International Journal of Education for Social Justice dedicated to “Education, Democracy and Social Justice: Perspectives from Latin America” Volume 9 (2), corresponding to December 2020, of the International Journal of Education for Social Justice will be dedicated to “Education, Democracy and Social Justice: Looks from Latin America”. The number is coordinated by […]

New issue of the International Journal of Education for Social Justice dedicated to “Inclusive Education for Social Justice”

New issue of the International Journal of Education for Social Justice dedicated to “Inclusive Education for Social Justice” Volume 8, number 2, corresponding to December 2019 is available from the International Journal of Education for Social Justice dedicated monographically to Inclusive Education for Social Justice. “This number has been coordinated by Gerardo Echeita, professor at […]

F. Javier Murillo participates in the Radio Neighborhood Wave program “We are committed: Segregation in the classroom”

F. Javier Murillo participates in the Onda Vecinal Radio program “We are committed: Segregation in the classroom” The Radio Neighborhood Wave program “Commits us: Segregation in classrooms”, directed by Francisco Poveda del Álamo, discusses how the educational system is organized from public authorities and the negative consequences that political and investment decisions have on rights […]

Short course UAM: Memory and education for peace: Strands of Living Peace

Juan Gutiérrez will coordinate the short course UAM “Memory and education for peace: Strands of living peace” Juan Gutiérrez, mediator and researcher for Peace, Founder of the Gernika Gogoratuz Center and the Hebras de Paz Association, will coordinate a short-term UAM course between January 28 and February 20, 2020. This course addresses the role of […]